BACTOBOOST is a microbial fertilizer containing natural forms of Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus megaterium and Lactococcus spp. isolates. It proliferates rapidly by covering plant seeds and generates nutrient-intake promoting secretions without feeding from plants. It enables plants to fix free nitrogen in the atmosphere. It enhances tillering, fruit set, hairy root formation, leaf and root development by promoting natural organic acids, amino acids, auxins and cytokines. It ensures seed germination, rooting, hairy root formation, early plant growth as well as promoting leaf and stem development in following stages. This, in turn, increases product yield. BACTOBOOST also facilitates mineralization of organic matters in soil and dissolution of mineral ones. Starting mainly with phosphorus (P) and Calcium, it enables urgently needed NH4 and NO3 nutrients and elements such as Ca and Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu in soil (which are required by plants but are in less useful forms) to be taken in useful forms. It renders plants durable against environmental stress conditions as well as increasing crop quality and yield. BACTOBOOST breaks down and removes secondary metabolites and harmful compounds originating from and adversely impacting plants, destroys living conditions of diseases and pathogens forming in the root zone. Therefore, it helps reduce yield losses resulting from planting same crops in areas with limited alternation options. It contributes to reducing soil pH in the root rhizosphere by increasing lime solubility in soils with particularly high lime contents and high pH values.
Certified by CERES GMBH (Authorization No. TR-OT-010) within the framework of Law on Organic Agriculture and the Regulation on Principles and Application of Organic Agriculture.
Guaranteed Content: Baciullus subtilis; Baciullus megaterium and Lactococcus spp. 1x106 CFU/mL
Application Method: Offered in liquid formulation, BACTOBOOST is applied to seeds. Appropriate doses must not be exceeded.
Seed Application: 5 liters of liquid BACTOBOOST is mixed with 8 L of water and sprayed on to 1000 kg of seeds which should be immediately planted or stored at 4o C after being dried. It should not be administered on seeds which have been treated with bactericides. In case of bactericide-applied seeds, the solution should be administered on plant root zone through drip irrigation system or holders after seeds are planted.
Shake well before use.
Shelf life is 1 year from manufacture date.